Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Chairman of the Council visited the Alley of Honor Burial and the Alley of Martyrs

On November 6, Azerbaijan celebrates the day of television and radio workers. In this regard, the staff of the National Council on Television and Radio, headed by Nushiravan Maharramov, Chairman of the NTRC, as well as the heads and employees of the national television and radio channels visited the Alley of Honor Burial. They paid tribute to the architect and creator of the independent modern Azerbaijan Haydar Aliyev and laid flowers on his grave.

They then paid tribute to the distinguished ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva and laid flowers on her grave.

Also, the Chairman of the Council and the heads of TV channels paid tribute to the heroes who died in the struggle for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and laid flowers at their graves on the Alley of Martyrs.