Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Presentation on the topic "Application of new Television Audience Measuring (TAM) system in Azerbaijan” was held

A presentation dedicated to the application of new Television Audience Measuring (TAM) system in Azerbaijan, organized by National Television and Radio Council was held in Baku on September 30, 2021.

The event was attended by the Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmat Hajiyev, the Chair of National Television and Radio Council İsmat Sattarov, the Executive Director of Media Development Agency Ahmad Ismayilov, other officials, heads of national and satellite television channels, advertising agencies, authorized representatives of both local and foreign advertising companies and international experts.

Within the framework of the event, Renata Uhlarikova and Pushkar Kulkarni (“Pure X Media” company), international experts in the field of TAM presented a video dedicated to the results of joint activities of National Television and Radio Council and “Pure X Media” on the selection of a new TAM company, gave detailed information on the process and duration of the project, and also the  technological capabilities of the international TAM company “Kantar”, which will be used in television audience measuring in Azerbaijan from November 2022, were also demonstrated.

After the presentation, wide discussions were held among the participants of the event.