Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Television and Radio Council held its Meeting on 10 January 2020.

At the meeting the results of the competition annouced by NTRC from 12 November 2019 till 12 December 2019 for opening of new national radio channel (102,0 MHz frequency band in the territory of Baku city and Absheron peninsula) were discussed. The documents of 5 legal persons have been submitted to the Council: 

  1. "Real Analitical Information Center" LLC;
  2. "TV-Media Azerbaijan" LLC;
  3. "Balans Studio" LLC;
  4. "INS CM" LLC;
  5. "OMD Azerbaijan" LLC.

Then 3 applicants - "TV-Media Azerbaijan" LLC, "OMD Azerbaijan" LLC, "Real Analitical Information Center" LLC applied to the Council for withdrawal of documents from the contest. For this reason, on the basis of paragraph 2.1.9. (In case of participation in the contest less than 3 participants, the Council may cancel the competition or announce a new competition) of the "Сompetition Rules for Licences in the sphere of television and radio broadcasting" adopted by NTRC, the Council decided to cancel the competition.