Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Television and Radio Council announced the competition for opening of new television channel.

National Television and Radio Council held its meeting on 14 January 2014. At the meeting by administrative order the fact of infringement by "ANS Independent Broadcasting and Media Company" of the requirements of legislation in the sphere of television and radio broadcasting was considered.

Because of the requirements of Articles 32.0.1, 32.0.9, 35.11 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On television and radio broadcasting" and Article 2.4 of "Special Regulations of  programmes which might damage physical, mental and moral development of the minors, in particular programmes that involve erotic and violence" were broken on 10 January 2014 at 16.30  during the transmission of the programme "Between the people" ("Adam ichinde"), the Notification was issued to "ANS Independent Broadcasting and Media Company" according to the Decision of NTRC.

During the Meeting also opening of new television channels was elaborated and the competition for opening of new national TV channel (Channel 37, sector 11 in Baku City and Apsheron Peninsula) on 22 January 2014 - 22 February 2014 was announced.