Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Television and Radio Council suspended broadcasting of "Aygun TV"

National Television and Radio Council held its meeting on 14 February 2014. It was decided not to prolong term of current regional broadcasting license, to refuse granting new regional broadcasting license to "Aygun" Independent Television and Radio Company (Zakatala city) and to suspend its television broadcasting from 6.00 pm 14 February 2014.

The term of regional broadcasting license granted to "Aygun" Independent Television and Radio Company (Zakatala city) had been expired on 11 December 2013. "Aygun" Independent Television and Radio Company (Zakatala city) did not submit all necessary documents for prolongation of license terms in time period determined in Article 22.3 of the Law on Television and Radio Broadcasting and submitted documents in the incomplete form only 1 day before the Meeting of the Council.

At the meeting of the Council held on 11 December 2013 the application of "Aygun" Independent Television and Radio Company (Zakatala city) for prolongation of the term of current broadcasting license had been considered. Due to not applying for prolongation of license terms in determined time period and lack of submitting necessary documents in appropriate time and manner it had been postponed to adopt decision on this issue aiming to investigate the activity of company. For the purpose of investigation of the activity of "Aygun" TV the commission composed of experts from Department of Law and International relations, Department of Expertise, Programming and Analytic Work and Department of Finances and Technical Supervision had been created and sent to Zakatala City on 24-26 December 2013 for getting acquainted with situation in place. 

A lot of shortcomings of television activity and infringements of the law had been revealed within investigation. As, according to paragraphs of relevant article of the law on television and radio broadcasting the materials of television programs (attached documents, manuscripts, letters, tape recordings and so on) have to be kept at least 1 month after a release of the program in air, and the register indicating names of programs, broadcasting time, a subject, the author and participants at least 1 year after the last act of registration... But materials of television programs have not been kept in "Aygun" TV and the register has not been available at all. The programs of the broadcaster had been transmitted without visual signs (symbols or emblems). There had been multiple shortcomings in document keeping works in the television. The transmitting facilities and equipments of the television had not been in line with technical exploitation rules applied to broadcasters and with technical standards of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international standards. Such as, the location of transmitting equipment had not been met technical norms and requirements and had threatened safety and health of the personnel and neighboring people.

During the regular Meeting of National Television and Radio Council held on 27 December 2013 the report of the commission aiming to investigate the activity of "Aygun" Independent Television and Radio Company (Zakatala city) had been considered.