Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

59th Meeting of EPRA, the platform of European audiovisual media regulators, held in Rotterdam


The 59th Meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) held from 5 to 8 June 2024 in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. The Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was represented at the meeting by Fazil Novruzov, head of the Council's Office.

It should be noted that more than 140 representatives and experts, including heads and officials of 50 audiovisual media regulatory bodies from 47 European countries, as well as observers from the European Commission, the Media Division operating within the Council of Europe, and the European Audiovisual Observatory participated in the EPRA meeting, which is the most influential network of audiovisual media regulators in Europe.

The participants discussed the topics "Media literacy and elections" and "AI and media regulators" in the plenary sessions held within the framework of the event. In recent years, opportunities and challenges related to the application of AI, as well as the necessary tools and mechanisms of regulatory bodies for these innovations, are the subject of extensive discussions in the EPRA platform. During the meeting, brief information about the latest developments in Europe in the field of audiovisual media regulation were also heard.

Prior to the plenary sessions, elections were held for the vacant member position after the resignation of a member of the EPRA Executive Board, and Ms. Armela Krasniqi, the Chairperson of Albania’s Audiovisual Media Authority, was elected as a new member.

The next meeting of the platform will be held in Nicosia with the invitation and organization of the Radio-Television Agency of the Republic of Cyprus in October of this year.