Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 57th meeting of the European Platform of Audiovisual Media Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was held in Oslo


From May 31 to June 02, 2023 the 57th meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) in the field of audiovisual media was held in Oslo, Norway.

The meeting of the EPRA platform, the most influential network of audiovisual media regulators in Europe, was attended by about 160 representatives and experts from 55 organizations regulating audiovisual broadcasting from 47 European states, as well as the European Commission, the OSCE Office on Freedom of Media, the Media Division of the Council of Europe, the European Group of Audiovisual Media Regulators (ERGA), The European Audiovisual Observatory. The Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which has been a full member of EPRA since 2007, was represented at the meeting by the Head of the Office, Fazil Novruzov, and the Deputy Head of the Department of Law and International Cooperation of the Council, Jamila Gahramanova.

On the first day of the meeting, general questions and reports were heard concerning the problems existing in the network, innovations that have occurred in the member states, as well as various projects with partners of the EPRA platform and the stages of their implementation were discussed.

Later, the candidates for the positions of EPRA president and 4 vice-presidents were presented. As a result of a separate vote for each position, Marie Velsand, Director General of the Norwegian Media Organization (Medietilsynet) was elected president. Maria Donde, representative of the UK regulatory body OFCOM, Stephanie Comey, representative of the Irish Media Regulatory Commission, Valentin Alexandru Jucan, vice-president of the National Audiovisual Council of Romania and Stanislav Matejka, representative of the Slovak Media Services Regulatory Council, were elected as vice-presidents.

On the first day, a plenary session on "The future of content delivery" was organized. The second day of the session was devoted to "Media and Information for the Public Good - Public Media”. Discussions were also held on new forms of media consumption and the resulting threats, misinformation and distorted information in the European media landscape.

The next 58th EPRA meeting will take place in October 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.