Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The joint event of ERGA and EMIL was held in online format

On November 04, 2022, the joint event of the European Regulators Group for Audio-visual Media (ERGA) and EMIL, the Media Literacy taskforce of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was held in online format. Deputy Head of Legal and International Cooperation Department of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jamila Gahramanova also participated in the event.

Firstly, Maria Donde, EPRA Senior Vice-Chair & EMIL gave detailed information on subject of the event "Trust and news: how does news and information literacy work?".

Then, Divina Frau-Meigs, professor at the New Sorbonne University of France, presented "How Disinformation Reshaped the Relationship between Journalism and Media and Information Literacy", Heba Kandil, Senior Manager of Tomson Reuters Foundation spoke about foundation's work and projects, and Anya Van Boven, coordinator of the Belgian Social and Cultural Organization "KWB" made presentation on "Halloween horror tour: news and information literacy for families".

In addition, Elli Narevska, head of the Primary Education Department of The Guardian Foundation (UK), informed the participants about news and information literacy in schools and communities, and Rebeca Vasincki, a media director at the State Media Institute of North Rhine-Westphalia made presentation about the "Zebra" platform, which is a reliable safe zone in the daily digital life of people.

After the presentations and speeches, discussions were held on the topic and questions were answered.