Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a warning to "Xəzər TV"

On September 26, 2022 the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan held meeting in online format. The Members of the Council discussed the fact of violation of the requirements of Article 14.1.12 (promoting of parapsychology (psychics, medium, etc.) or other superstitions, etc.) of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Media" on September 22, 2022 on channel "Xəzər TV" of nationwide terrestrial television broadcaster "Xəzər TV" LLC.

Thus, on September 22, 2022 from 09.14 to 09.22 during the program "Habar Ertesi" on channel "Xəzər TV" a story was shown about paranormal events that allegedly occurred in a house belonging to a family in the village of Bina. During the publication of this news, the editorial correspondent expressed the following thoughts: "Strange creatures move objects, throw stones at the house, smash dishes, make scary sounds… We were in the house for 10 to 15 minutes and we saw a several incidents. While we were here, sugar, stones and other objects were thrown. They have just thrown the phone here." Then, a piece of paper was shown on which it was written "I will make you suffer. At the end, I will take what I need". The reporter said the householder claims this note was written by some creatures.

In addition, the opinions of a person named Ziraddin Rzayev, who was presented as an esoteric and psychic, were included: "Such cases happen often. Sometimes creatures from a parallel world affect people's brains and injure their relatives, people, cut their clothes… the prevention of such cases depends on the religious beliefs of the people".

The broadcasting of such stories, the attitude of the editorial staff (in this case the reporter) to the paranormal phenomenon that allegedly occurs in this report, i.e. confirming, affirming the fact, as well as providing a place to the opinion of a person who presents himself as a psychic, is considered as providing by the broadcaster an opportunity to promote parapsychology (psychic, medium, etc.), or other superstitions, etc.),  which in turn is a violation of the relevant requirement of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Media".

After the discussions, the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a warning to the nationwide terrestrial television broadcaster "Xəzər TV" LLC (channel "Xəzər TV") that in case if similar situation is repeated, severe administrative sanctions will be imposed to the broadcaster.