Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The meeting of EPRA’s "Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL) taskforce was held in online format.

On March 14, 2022 a special short webinar in the format of "Lunch and Learn" about Media Literacy Funding was held within the working group of "Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL). Deputy Head of Legal and international relations department of the Office of Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jamila Gahramanova also participated in this lunchtime webinar.

The focus of this webinar was funding for media literacy projects and initiatives. Firstly, Luis Madureira Pires informed participants in detail about European Media and Information Fund. Later the information on "Creative Europe 2021-2027" funding call was presented by Orla Clancy. After this, BAI "Sound and Vision" scheme was presented by Philip Cooper.