Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A meeting of the Audiovisual Council was held


The next meeting of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held on August 23, 2024. Two issues were discussed at the meeting

First, the issue of expanding free-to-air DTT broadcasting in the territory of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions was discussed. For this purpose, by the decision of the Audiovisual Council, the 46th TV transmission channel from the radio-television transmission station "Turshsu", located in the Shusha district, and the 25th TV transmission channel from the radio-television transmission station "Hasanriz kend", located in the Aghdere district, have been allocated to the infrastructure operator - "Radio and Television Broadcasting and Satellite Communication" Production Union of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.

Later, in connection with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 15 August 2024, on Amendments to the "List of State bodies (institutions) carrying out audiovisual terrestrial broadcasting", approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1844 dated 17 September 2022, the appeal from the "Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Television and Radio Programs” Closed Joint Stock Company was considered by the Audiovisual Council. According on the relevant decisions adopted by the Council, "Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Television and Radio Programs” CJSC was granted a regional terrestrial television broadcaster license (channel name: "Naxchıvan TV") and a regional terrestrial radio broadcaster license (channel name: "Naxchıvan Radio"). Also, a decision was adopted to issue license of platform broadcaster performing satellite transmission to "Naxchıvan TV" on the condition of carrying out simultaneous regional terrestrial television broadcasting.