Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

2 platform operators, 1 video on demand service provider and 1 platform broadcaster have been licensed


Applications for new licenses were considered at the meeting of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 21, 2023. The legal service of the Council examined the applications for a license and packages of documents have been received during the October and November, which were then submitted to the members of the Council for discussion.

By the relevant decisions of the Council, the licenses of the universal platform operator were granted to "Sweet TV Group AZ" LLC (operator service name: "Sweet TV") and "Konnekt" CJSC (operator service name: NNTV). The license for video on-demand service provider was also granted to "Konnekt" CJSC (VOD service name: "NNTV Kinoteatr"), and the license of a platform broadcaster not performing satellite transmission was granted to "Show Plus Media" LLC (TV channel name: "Show Plus TV").

The meeting also considered an appeal to the Council to revoke the license of "Startelecom" LLC, which used to retransmit foreign TV channels but is no longer operating. By the relevant decision of the Council, the license granted to "Startelecom" LLC by the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 26 December 2022 under  the registration number UPO-022 was revoked.