Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 56th EPRA Meeting was held in Antalya

The 56th Meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was held on October 12-14, 2022, in Antalya city, Turkiye. This EPRA Meeting, which is the most influential European network of audiovisual media and broadcasting regulators, was attended by 160 representatives and experts from 55 regulatory authorities from 47 European countries, as well as the European Commission, the OSCE Office on Freedom of the Media, Media and Internet Division of the Council of Europe, the European Audiovisual Observatory. The Republic of Azerbaijan, which has been a full member of EPRA since 2007, was represented by the head of the Office of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fazil Novruzov.

On the first day of the Meeting (13 October) reports were heard related general issues, innovations within the network in the member states. Within the framework of this section, Fazil Novruzov briefly informed participants on the innovations in the activities of the Audiovisual Council.

Then the meeting continued its work with a plenary session on the topic "Disinformation, Pluralism and Trust". Issues such as measuring the impact of information consumption on political polarization, algorithms and diversity were discussed during the session. Existing experiences on this topic were heard, trends in information consumption existing in Europe were presented.

On the second day of the Meeting (October 14), a thematic session was held on the topic "Media NRAs in a Digital Environment: video sharing platforms". During this session, the focus was on the regulation of video sharing platforms, as well as the on identifying & registering VSPs. The latest innovations in the implementation of regulation of video sharing platforms, as well as issues of self-regulation were discussed. Issues such as artificial intelligence and methods of combating disinformation were also discussed during the session.

Then discussion was held on the topic "Media literacy and the role of Regulatory Authorities".

The next 57th EPRA Meeting will be held on May 2023 in Oslo, the capital of the Kingdom of Norway.