Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Audiovisual Council summed up the results of the competition for the license of the platform broadcaster, performing satellite transmission


On October 01, 2024 a meeting of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held, where the winner of the competition for the license of the platform broadcaster, performing satellite transmission was determined.

Firstly, the report and conclusion of the competition committee were heard. Competition committee had examined the documents, technical broadcasting capabilities, human resources, financial and economic potential of the applicants who had submitted documents for the competition. Then members of the Audiovisual Council proceeded to express their opinions regarding the applicants.

Based on the results of the meeting, out of the two applicants who had submitted documents for the competition "CİBC Global" LLC (television channel "AnewZ") was selected as the winner of the competition and the final decision was adopted.