Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A meeting dedicated to equal pre-election campaigning opportunities and the basics of the activities of media entities in the elections to the Milli Majlis was held


On August 08, 2024 a meeting dedicated to pre-election campaign opportunities and the basics of media subjects' activity in the Milli Majlis elections was held under the joint organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Press Council of Azerbaijan.

Addressing the meeting, Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the CEC, highlighted the role of media entities in covering elections, noting that they have high expectations from them.

Ahmad Ismayilov, Executive Director of the Media Development Agency, stated in his speech that all required conditions have been established to allow media entities, which cover the democratic and transparent elections characteristic of our country's political landscape, to effectively fulfill their professional roles. He noted that the Agency regularly interacts with media representatives covering the election process and works in coordination with the CEC to respond promptly to media representatives’ questions.

Ismat Sattarov, Chair of the Audiovisual Council, emphasized that the total amount of free airtime allocated for pre-election campaigning should be at least 3 hours per week. Provided free airtime is distributed among the registered candidates on equal terms and in equal amounts. Free airtime should be scheduled at times when it can reach the widest audience. The time and date for broadcasting of pre-election materials are determined by a draw, conducted by the relevant election commission with the participation of the broadcaster's representatives.

Rashad Majid, Chairman of the Press Council, mentioned that a "hotline" would be established at the Press Council in connection with the parliamentary elections.

After the opening speeches, the members of the CEC delivered presentations outlining the general requirements for pre-election campaigning in the Milli Majlis elections, the campaigning subjects, their rights and responsibilities, as well as the role and duties of media entities in both paid and free campaigning.

The event, held with the direct participation of heads and representatives of major media entities, provided full information on the publicity of the electoral process, ensuring openness and transparency, as well as the organization of professional media activity at various stages of the election process. The event also included discussions and exchanges of views on the topic. The meeting, aimed at further improving the free activity of media entities in the Milli Majlis elections and raising their awareness, concluded its work after clarifying the issues of interest to journalists.