Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

An event to celebrate the 149th anniversary of the National Press was jointly organized by the Audiovisual Council, the MEDIA Agency, and the Press Council


The event, themed "Azerbaijani National Press - 149," was held today under the joint organization of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Media Development Agency, and the Press Council. The event began with the performance of the National Anthem of Azerbaijan. The memory of Azerbaijani martyrs and journalist martyrs who gave their lives for the country’s territorial integrity was honored with a minute of silence.

Addressing the event, Daghbeyi Ismayilov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Media Development Agency, emphasized that the Azerbaijani press is developing on the solid foundations laid by Hasan bey Zardabi. Over the next 149 years, despite difficulties, the Azerbaijani press rapidly progressed, building on this foundation and achieving significant successes. The National Leader Heydar Aliyev made a tremendous contribution to the development of the press in Azerbaijan.

The next speaker, Rashad Majid, Chairman of the Press Council of Azerbaijan, noted that the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who led Azerbaijan during the Soviet era, always placed great importance on journalism and freedom of speech. The censorship that existed in Azerbaijan for many years was abolished in 1998 by the Decree of the National Leader. The press support policy initiated by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev continues successfully under President Ilham Aliyev.

Speaking at the event, Bakhtiyar Garaja, a member of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, highlighted that a number of Azerbaijani press representatives also took part in the battles during the 44-day Patriotic War. Azerbaijani journalists selflessly served their homeland both on the front lines and in the rear. Bakhtiyar Garaja emphasized that the mission of journalism is of exceptional importance in the life of society, noting that media professionalism is the main criterion for the quality of current media. Professionalism ensures that information is conveyed fully and effectively to society. He also pointed out that Hasan bey Zardabi's vision of the press included freedom of speech and diversity of thought as essential for development.

Vugar Zifaroglu, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Media Development Agency and Deputy Chairman of the Press Council, emphasized in his speech that the development of the Azerbaijani press, founded by Hasan bey Zardabi, is an integral part of our national consciousness. This story was enriched during the second period of Azerbaijan's independence in the 20th century, with the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev being the architect of this enrichment. The abolition of censorship by Heydar Aliyev was a unique event in terms of deepening pluralism of opinions not only in the press but also in society as a whole, and it served as a beacon for further development.

The winners of the contest organized by the Media Development Agency on the theme "Year of Solidarity for a Green World" and the Creative Media Baku content contest held within the MEDIA Lab project were awarded at the event. The event then continued with an art segment.