Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Audiovisual Council has published program genre statistics of nationwide terrestrial television broadcasters for the second quarter of this year


The Department of Monitoring, Analysis of Audiovisual Programs and Communications of the Audiovisual Council has prepared content-genre statistics of programs broadcast on nationwide terrestrial television channels during the second quarter of 2024 (April, May, June).

According to the statistics, information and analytical programs made up 24.1% of programs broadcast on free-to-air nationwide terrestrial television over the last 3 months of this year. This was followed by sports programs (16.4%) and advertising content (14.4%). The share of cultural and educational programs (educational, journalistic, historical-cultural, and other similar materials) in general across all channels made up 9%.

General statistics for terrestrial television channels and statistics separately for each channel are presented in the attached slides.