Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A warning was issued to the platform broadcaster performing satellite transmission - “Muz TV Azerbaijan” LLC (“MTV” channel)


On February 22, 2023 a meeting of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held on the fact of violation of the law during broadcasting.

The meeting considered the fact of violation of Article 14.1.14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Media" (information about the guilt of a person without an effective court decision shall not be disseminated) on the channel "MTV" in program "Ümid ilə gəl" ("Come with hope") broadcasted on February 20, 2023 from 12.00 to 14.45.

After the discussions, the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan has decided to issue a warning to the platform broadcaster performing satellite transmission - "Muz TV Azerbaijan" LLC ("MTV" channel), if similar cases are repeated, severe administrative sanctions will be applied.