Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Chairman of National Television and Radio Council participated in the 49th Meeting of EPRA.

On 29 May – 1 June 2019 the 49th Meeting of European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was held in Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. About 160 representatives from 53 regulatory authorities from 47 European countries, as well as experts and representatives of European Commission, Office on Freedom of Media of OSCE, Media and Internet Division of the Council of Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory joined the Meeting. The Republic of Azerbaijan was represented by Nushiravan Maharramov, Chairman of National Television and Radio Council and Fazil Novruzov, Assistant to Chairman of the Council.

During the Meeting two plenary sessions – "Protecting minors in the online world" and "Sports' rights" were held. Furthermore, EPRA Board’s Strategy on the potential for expansion of EPRA Membership was discussed and adopted. On 30 May 2019 broad discussions with participation of experts on issues "Media literacy", "European works and prominence", "The prevention of the hate speech in the media" were held in working groups.

At the end of the Meeting new composition of EPRA Board was elected and approved. The 50th Anniversary Meeting of EPRA will be held in Athens on October 2019.