Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 8th meeting of EPRA’s "Media and Information Literacy" taskforce was held in online format.

On September 16, 2022 the 8th meeting of "Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL) taskforce of European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was held in online format. Deputy Head of Legal and International Cooperation Department of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jamila Gahramanova also participated in the meeting.

Firstly, the chairman of the Working Group, Maria Donde gave brief information on the topic of "Disinformation, plurality and trust". After this, Emma Goodman, Policy Officer and Media Literacy Consultant for EDMO made a presentation "EDMO’s MIL role & target audience + EDMO projects & initiatives".

Then "The role of EDMO National Hubs" was presented by Ricardo Castellini da Silva, ML Coordinator for the Ireland EDMO Hub and Laure Delmoly, International Project Manager at CLEMI, part of France's DE FACTO hub.

After the presentations, open discussions with participants on this topic took place. Next, discussions were held in the format of a Tour de table. At the end of the meeting, Emanuella Machet gave brief information about preparation of profiles of EMIL members.