Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan has organized a roundtable with regional terrestrial television broadcasters operating in the northern region.

On July 13, 2022 in accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the "Strategy for Children" for 2020-2025 and the action plan for 2022 for the implementation of the "Communication Strategy of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2021-2023", representatives of the Office of the Audiovisual Council organized a roundtable in Khachmaz city with the participation of program management and responsible staff of the newsrooms of the television channels "Şimal ARB", "Günəş ARB", "Qafqaz TV".

During the roundtable, issues such as coverage of ongoing activities to protect children from harmful information and educational work in accordance with the "Strategy for Children", the importance of coverage on television channels of educational events concerning the negative consequences of all types of violence against children, as well as the role of regional television channels in the prevention of early marriages and marriages between relatives were discussed.  The representatives of the Council explained to the broadcasters the duties and measures to be taken in the field of organization of special educational programs on these topics, broadcasting of social videos and submission of reports on these broadcasts to the Council.