Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Appeal of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan to television and radio broadcasters

In an advertising spot broadcast over the past few days on television channels, the image of Adolf Hitler, who was the founder of Nazi ideology and the head of Nazi Germany, and a humorous scene based on this image were used to attract attention to the presented product.

Such videos are unacceptable considering the fact that the Azerbaijani people have suffered from the fascist and neo-Nazi policy pursued by Armenia for decades, including the selfless struggle of Azerbaijani soldiers and officers during World War II against the fascist Germany.

Taking into account the requirement of Article 14.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Media" No. 471-VIQ dated December 30, 2021 and the fact that Adolf Hitler was one of the ideological founders of racial, religious, ethnic, sexual and other discrimination, we require broadcasters immediately to stop broadcasting advertising spot with such content, as well as media advertising agencies immediately to stop producing such advertisement.

In case of repeated detection of such cases during monitoring, the sanctions established by legislation will be applied to the television or radio broadcaster broadcasting such advertising spot.