Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Monitoring Center under the State Language Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan held an event entitled "The language of televisions in the mirror of monitoring".

On March 2, 2022 the Monitoring Center under the State Language Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan held an event entitled "The language of televisions in the mirror of monitoring". Information on the results of monitoring had been conducted by the Monitoring Center (April-May 2021) on 12 television channels was presented at the event. According to statistical data based on the results of monitoring of television channels, 4753 out of 6000 registered language facts were included in the report, of which 1017 are orthoepic, 233 are orthographic, 1346 are lexical, 651 are grammatical, 1506 are stylistic and speech errors.

Director of the Monitoring Center under the State Language Commission Professor Sevinj Aliyeva, Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbeyli, Chairman of the Press Council Aflatun Amashev, Head of the Office of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fazil Novruzov, writer Seyran Sakhavet, Professor of Baku State University, media expert Gulu Maharramli, Head of the department of the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS Sayali Sadygova, Deputy Сhairman of CJSC "Azerbaijan Television and Radio Programs" Rafik Gashimov, Director of "ARB 24" LLC Radik Ismayilov, TV presenters Nailya Islamzade, Gunel Bahramgizi and others made speeches at the event.