Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 5th meeting of EPRA’s "Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL) taskforce was held in online format.

On December 17, 2021 the 5th meeting of "Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL) taskforce was held in online format. Representatives of the Legal and international relations department of the office of National Television and Radio Council also participated in the meeting. The following presentations were made about the innovations in the network during the meeting:

  • Update on ERGA’s AG3 Report "Recommendations for key principles, best practices and a Media Literacy Toolbox for Video-sharing Platforms" – Stephanie Comey
  • Ofcom’s new approach to promoting online media literacy - Claire Levens
  • 2nd Meeting of EU experts on Disinformation – Sally Reynolds

After presentations, the following issues were discussed during the exchange of views about the next steps of Media and Information Literacy (EMIL):

  • EMIL’s Terms of Reference
  • EMIL’s Steering Committee and Steering Group
  • Supporting the delivery of EPRA Work Programme in 2022

At the end of the meeting, brief discussions were held on EMIL output on Media and Information Literacy network.