Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 54th meeting of EPRA was held in online format

On October 14-15, 2021 the 54th meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) was held in online format. Responsible persons of the Legal and international relations department of the office of National Television and Radio Council also participated in the meeting.

On the first day of the meeting at the plenary session entitled "Life of EPRA and its network" the updates of the European Commission, Council of Europe, OSCE Office for freedom of Media, European Audiovisual Observatory and European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) were shared.

Then the EPRA Secretariat’s revised budget report for the fiscal year 2021 and a draft budget 2022 were adopted. The EPRA Secretariat also provided updated information on the activities of "EPRA Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL).

Also, presentation on exploring collaboration with the University of Vienna was held. Updates from Members Ofcom (UK) "Video sharing platforms: Guidance and Statement", DLM (Germany) "Prominence of general interest content: call for applications" and Icelandic Media Commission "Cross-sectoral cooperation & elections" were shared.

During the meeting, a thematic plenary session on “Cross-sectoral cooperation between regulators” was held. This thematic plenary session was aimed to explore the importance of regulatory cooperation in the online sphere, the challenges in developing effective cooperation models, as well as different cross-sectoral cooperation and enforcement models.

On the second day 4th Meeting of EPRA’s "Media and Information Literacy" (EMIL) Taskforce was held in online format. NTRC is also a member of EMIL. The meeting was focused on "EduMediaTest" interactive project. "EduMediaTest" has been developed as part of the European Commission's Media Literacy for All program and thanks to the partially funding received from the European Commission in collaboration with Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and with various media regulators and / or media literacy institutions in CataloniaCroatiaFranceGreeceIrelandPortugal and Slovakia. "EduMediaTest" is an online questionnaire designed to carry out an initial assessment of the media literacy of pupils aged 14 to 18, as well as to improve their media skills, based on the results obtained, using training materials that are freely available on this website. After the presentation, informal exchange of views and open discussions were held among the participants of the event.

At the end of the meeting, taking into account the pandemic conditions, it was decided to hold the 55th EPRA meeting live (offline) in Antwerp, Belgium at the invitation of the Flemish Media Regulatory Authority.