Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The competition announced by National Television and Radio Council for the opening of scientific-educational nationwide television channel has been summed up.

Today, at the meeting of National Television and Radio Council, the competition announced for the opening of scientific-educational nationwide television channel was summed up.

Within the framework of the competition for the opening of a specialized (scientific-educational) national television channel (48th TV channel for SD broadcasting and 34th TV broadcasting channel for HD broadcasting in Baku city and Absheron Peninsula) announced by National Television and Radio Council from June 07, 2021 to July 07, 2021 following 6 applicants submitted their documents to the Council: "APA Mark" LLC; "Təhsil TV" LLC; "Balans Studiyası" LLC; "İNS ÇM" LLC; "İsti Press" LLC; "Medical Media" LLC

A competition commission was set up by the Council to examine the documents, to perform inspection of applicants’ spaces and to verify the accuracy of the information provided on the documents, to check necessary economic, technical, creative and human resources for the opening of a national television channel. The competition commission provided the Council with a reference on each applicant based on the results of both review of the documents and on-site reviews.

Extensive discussions were held at the meeting of National Television and Radio Council on the basis of the references presented. It was found that the information on technical and creative capabilities, including human resources, indicated in the documents submitted by some applicants, was not confirmed during the on-site inspection. Technical and economic indicators for the organization of television broadcasting are not satisfactory. Thus, the Council concluded that no applicant has the appropriate capacity to operate a national television channel in the genres of education, science and enlightenment.

Taking into account the above-mentioned, National Television and Radio Council, in accordance with Article 18.4.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Television and Radio Broadcasting" No. 345-IIQ of June 25, 2002, and guided by paragraph 8.6 of the "Regulations on National Television and Radio Council" approved by the Decree No. 795 of October 5, 2002 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it was decided to refuse to issue a special permit (license) to the applicants for failure to win the competition.