Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A seminar on “Studying the experience of Turkey in the field of television audience measurement” within the framework of the Azerbaijani–Turkish Joint Media Platform was organized

On July 13, 2021, National Television and Radio Council (NTRC) and the Media Development Agency organized a seminar on "Studying the experience of Turkey in the field of television audience measurement" within the framework of the Azerbaijani–Turkish Joint Media Platform. The event was attended by senior officials of the anonymous company TIAK "Televizyon Izleme Araştırmaları" (Television Audience Measurement), which studies the television ratings of Turkey, official representatives of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Economy, Media Development Agency, NTRC, heads of national TV channels.

Opening the event, chairman of NTRC Ismat Sattarov welcomed the participants and guests and stressed the special importance of the event as a continuation of the events held within the framework of the Azerbaijani – Turkish Joint Media Platform. He noted that one of the main conditions for the development of the audiovisual industry in Azerbaijan, as well as in the world, is high-quality and reputable television audience measurement.

The Turkish television and radio broadcasting, which has made confident steps in this area in recent years, and the existing rating measurement system there are also being studied with interest in Azerbaijan. The chairman of the Council noted that the holding of such a presentation in Baku and discussion of the Turkish experience in Azerbaijan are of importance.

Then, the executive director of Media Development Agency, Ahmed Ismailov, spoke about the reforms carried out in the media field, noted that the successful steps taken by Turkey in the media field are closely monitored in Azerbaijan, and noted the positive value of studying this experience.

Director General of TIAK Dursun Kuleryuz thanked for the invitation and organization of the event and gave detailed information about TIAK company and its activities. Then, the head of the TIAK Technical Committee, Ogun Doğan Akyol, held extensive video presentation on TIAK 's activities in the field of television audience measurement.

In the second part of the event, extensive discussions were held on the presentation of the Turkish side and the possible application of a modern rating measurement system in Azerbaijan.