Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The meeting with the heads of several cable operators has been held in National Television and Radio Council

As part of a series of events with broadcasting operators, on July 8, 2021, a meeting was held with the heads of a number of cable broadcasters at National Television and Radio Council. The Head of the Office of National Television and Radio Council Fazil Novruzov opened the meeting with an introductory speech, informed the guests about the new draft law "On Media" and brought to the attention the innovations in the field of audiovisual media.

Then the Head of the Office spoke about the existing problems related to intellectual property issues in the field of cable and IPTV broadcasting and noted that such issues negatively affect the rating of our country. Fazil Novruzov stressed the need to strengthen measures to protect intellectual property in the audiovisual media as a continuation of recent reforms in the field of media.

At the meeting, it was noted that as a result of joint efforts of cable operators and relevant government agencies and wider awareness-raising activities, it is possible to solve these problems in a short time based on world experience. It was brought to the attention of cable operators that since August 01, 2021, National Television and Radio Council will implement measures provided by law against cable broadcasters (as well as IPTV) for including in the broadcast packages channels without a relevant agreement authorizing the retransmission of foreign television channels.

Then, various questions of the representatives of cable operators related to the new draft law and intellectual property were answered at the meeting, and a number of issues related to the activities of broadcasting operators were discussed.

It is planned to hold such a meeting with representatives of other cable broadcasters in National Television and Radio Council next week.