Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Television and Radio Council and Media Development Agency have introduced a new draft law “On Media” for the heads of national-wide television channels.

On July 2, 2021, National Television and Radio Council and Media Development Agency launched a new draft law "On Media" for the heads of national-wide television channels. The Chairman of National Television and Radio Council Ismat Sattarov and the Executive Director of Media Development Agency Ahmed Ismayilov welcomed the participants and spoke about the recent reforms in the media sphere.

Then, the head of the department of Media Development Agency Raksana Karimova and the head of the office of National Television and Radio Council Fazil Novruzov made presentations on the draft law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Media". After the presentations, wide discussions were held on various articles of the draft law and the participants’ questions were answered. The heads of nation-wide television channels expressed their satisfaction with the conducting of this event and the wide discussion of the draft law.