Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Television and Radio Council has announced a competition for the opening of scientific-educational nationwide TV channel.

On May 31, 2021, the meeting of National Television and Radio Council was held. The current situation in the field of television and radio broadcasting, as well as the issues of genre diversity in the national television broadcasting were discussed at the meeting. It was noted that 2 of 11 TV channels are sports channels, 2 are news channels, 1 is cultural channel and other 6 are general genres channels.

Taking into account the innovations in education and science with the development of information technologies, the development that has taken place in these areas recently, the interest and attention of society to these areas, as well as the opinion of the public and media experts about the great demand for the scientific and educational genre in broadcasting, it was considered expedient to open a scientific-educational TV channel.

Following the wide discussions and guided by the requirements of Article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 345-IIQ of June 25, 2002 "On Television and Radio Broadcasting", it was decided to announce the competition from June 07, 2021 to July 07, 2021 for the opening of a specialized (scientific-educational) nation-wide TV channel (48th TV channel for SD broadcasting and 34th TV broadcasting channel for HD broadcasting in Baku and Absheron Peninsula).

At the meeting it was also decided to update the list of nation-wide television programs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the TRT-1 television channel of the Republic of Turkey in the broadcasting packages in the city of Baku and the Absheron Peninsula.