Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The meeting of National Television and Radio Council was held.

At the meeting the issue on the facts voiced by the citizen invited to the "Bizimləsən" program on "ATV" channel on April 19, 2021 was considered.

In connection with the fact of publication on "ATV" channel of information prohibited for children and guided by the articles 53-56 of the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On administrative proceedings" №1036-IIQ dated October 21, 2005, articles 11.5.3, 23.1 and 39.6 of the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Television and Radio broadcasting" №345-IIQ dated June 25, 2002  and paragraph 8.11-1 of the Statute "On National Television and Radio Council" approved by the Decree № 795 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 05, 2002, the Council has adopted a decision on the suspension of the broadcasting of "Bizimləsən" program on "ATV" channel 21 April 2021 and provision by "ATV" channel on its air information about the content of the measure applied to it during the period of suspension.

Also, according to the Article 388-2.0.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, National Television and Radio Council drew up a protocol on administrative violation for "ATV" channel in connection with the fine of 3,000 to 4,000 manat (from three thousand manat to four thousand manat) and sent it to the relevant court.