Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

National Television and Radio Council revoked the satellite broadcasting license of "Real TV".

National Television and Radio Council held its meeting. At the meeting the appeal of the "Real Analysis and Information Center" LLC on termination of the license for satellite broadcasting was considered.

Taking into account the fact that "Real Analysis and Information Center" LLC is the holder of a license No.197 issued by NTRC on April 23, 2019, which gives the right for terrestrial, satellite broadcasting and broadcasting via cable and IPTV operators, the Council made a decision to terminate the license No.186 issued by NTRC to the "Real Analysis and Information Center" LLC for satellite broadcasting on March 5, 2018.

Also, at the meeting, the results of monitoring of nationwide television channels on May 7-10, 2020 were examined. 

An open demonstration of the scene of tobacco use during the broadcasting of the feature film "Qəlb oğrusu" on the "Xəzər TV" channel on May 7, 2020 led to a violation of the requirements of article 40.2.22-1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On television and radio broadcasting". Guided by article 23.1 of this law, the Council has adopted a decision to suspend the broadcasting of "Xəzər TV" channel for one hour on May 18, 2020 (from 8:00 am till 9:00 am).

An open demonstration of the scene of tobacco use during the broadcasting of the feature film "Bakıda küləklər əsir" on the "ARB TV" channel on May 9, 2020 led to a violation of the requirements of article 40.2.22-1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On television and radio broadcasting". Guided by article 23.1 of this law, the Council has adopted a decision to suspend the broadcasting of "ARB TV" channel for one hour on May 18, 2020 (from 4:00 pm till 5:00 pm).