Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Chairman of the Council Nushiravan Maharramov attended in 38th Meeting of EPRA

The Chairman of National Television and Radio Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nushiravan Maharramov and deputy chief of legal and international relations department of the Council Jamila Gahramanova attended in 38th Meeting of European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) held in Lithuania, Vilnius on 2-4 October 2013.

During the Meeting plenary sessions on "Supervising on-demand audiovisual media services: "Best practices and methodology" and "Assessing Plurality in an online World" have been held. Also discussions were made in the frame of following working groups: "Political Communication", "Local and Community Media", "Spectrum - focus on 700 MHz band".

In the conclusion of the Meeting issues which will be discussed in 39th Meeting in Budva, Montenegro in May 2014 have been determined.