Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

42nd Meeting of EPRA was held in Nuremberg.

Chairman of National Television and Radio Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nushiravan Maharramov and senior advisor of Legal and International relations Department of the Council Fazil Novruzov participated in the 42nd Meeting of EPRA which was held in Nuremberg, Germany on 28-30 October 2015.

The representatives of 52 regulatory authorities from 47 European countries, as well as experts and representatives of European Commission, Office of OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Media and Internet Division of the Council of Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory joined the Meeting. 

During the Meeting 2 plenary sessions on following topics were held:

  1. How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for the media content in Europe? Special Focus: Supply and financing of the quality media content in Europe.
  2. The Regulators’ toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output.

Within the Meeting which lasted two days working groups (WG) with participation of experts on followings 3 topics were held:

  • WG1 – Public service content in a multiplatform environment: from must-carry to must-be-found;
  • WG2 – Audiovisual Commercial Communications, Trends and Challenges: Focus on Product Placement;
  • WG3 – Local / Regional TV: Financing models.

43rd Meeting of EPRA will be held in Barcelona, Spain on May 2016.