Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

NTRC announces a competition for the candidate to the position of CEO of "Public TV & Radio Broadcasting Company"

Due to the expiration of powers of the CEO of "Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" National Television and Radio Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan announces a competition for the purpose of definition of the candidate for elections to this position.

Following requirements are set for the participation in competition:

  • The candidate shall be the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • The candidate must have higher education degree.
  • The persons earlier having a criminal record for heavy or especially serious crimes, as well as persons judged for violations of public morals, and the persons which incapacity is confirmed by court cannot participate in a competition.

The candidates for the position of the CEO of "Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" must submit following documents to National Television and Radio Council (Address: Baku, Nizami Street 145, Tel.: 012-598 36 59) from 12 April 2017 till 22 April 2017:

  1. Application
  2. Copy of Identity document
  3. Copy of Service record book
  4. Autobiography
  5. Personal paper of personnel registration
  6. Official document of higher education.

In accordance with the requirements of Articles 20.1.3 and 21.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting" just after the candidates to the position of the CEO of the "Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" being defined the documents of the candidates will be submitted to the Broadcasting Board of the "Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" for conducting elections.