Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Head of the Office of the Audiovisual Council meets media analyst of Election Observation Mission of OSCE ODIHR


On August 14, 2024 Fazil Novruzov, the Head of the Office the Audiovisual Council met with Kira Kalinina, media analyst of the Election Observation Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

Mr. Novruzov informed the OSCE official on the activities of the Council, as well as innovations in the field of audiovisual media regulation after the adoption of the Law "On Media", licensing, and monitoring of television and radio channels.

Also, Ms. Kalinina’s questions regarding the pre-election campaign on television and radio broadcasting, the institutions responsible for this process, monitoring the campaign on television and radio, and other issues were answered.