Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A regular meeting of the Audiovisual Council was held to discuss a number of issues


On July 9, 2024, a meeting of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held to discuss a number of issues.

Initially, applications for obtaining licenses to operate in the audiovisual media sector were reviewed, and decisions were made. Following the applications received by the Audiovisual Council and the corresponding review procedures, the following licenses were issued: a universal platform operator's license to "Aznet Technologies" CJSC (service name: "Aznet"), a universal platform operator's license and on-demand media service provider's license to "Metaflix" LLC (service name: "Metaflix"), and a universal platform operator's license and on-demand media service provider's license to "Megogo" LLC (service name: "Megogo"). In total, five licenses were issued.

Then, the Audiovisual Council discussed the appeals received and the facts identified during monitoring based on these appeals regarding violations of exclusive broadcasting rights. Facts of unauthorized broadcasting of programs (feature and animated films), for which the exclusive right to broadcast in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan belongs to another audiovisual broadcaster, were confirmed on the following occasions: on "ATV" channel on April 18, 2024, from 05:29 to 06:38, on "ARB" channel on May 21, 2024, from 03:05 to 04:33, and on "ARB Günəş" channel on June 13, 2024, from 18:25 to 19:29. In light of the Council's previous warnings to broadcasters regarding this matter and the recommendations provided, decisions were made to suspend the programs of these broadcasters ("ARB" channel of "ARB 24" LLC, "ATV" channel of Independent Television and Radio Company "Azad Azerbaycan" and "ARB Günəş" channel of "RTV" LLC) on July 11 for three hours.