Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The meeting dedicated to the current situation in the field of compliance with advertising legislation on national and satellite television channels was held


On November 07, 2023 the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized meeting with television broadcasters dedicated to the current situation regarding compliance with the legislation on advertising by television channels.

The meeting was attended by heads and responsible representatives of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, the Media Development Agency, advertising managers of national terrestrial and satellite television channels, responsible persons of advertising agencies specializing in media advertising.

In his opening speech, Ismat Sattarov, the Chair of the Council, spoke about the purpose of the meeting and the general situation regarding compliance with advertising legislation in broadcasting. Jafar Babayev, Deputy Head of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, also commented on the issue, spoke about the importance of the "Joint Action Plan" signed by the two structures in 2022, and provided information on the current status of the plan's implementation and joint monitoring.

Nemat Javadov, Head of the Department of Law and International Cooperation of the Council, gave a detailed presentation, spoke about the requirements of the current legislation in this area, informed about the peculiarities of advertising on television and radio, as well as violations of advertising on television channels in the last 1 year and the sanctions imposed.

Shahin Nagiyev, Head of the Department for Supervision of Unfair Competition and Advertising Legislation of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, said that in recent months there has been a decrease in cases of hidden and inaccurate advertising in broadcasting and answered the questions from broadcasters. The event continued in a discussion format.