Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Meeting of National Television and Radio Council was held on 9 January 2019.

At the meeting devoted to 29-year anniversary of 20 January Tragedy and to the results of the year 2018 the memory of the martyrs was observed by minute of silence. 

In his speech Nushiravan Maharramov, Chairman of National Television and Radio Council, said that the tragedy of 20 January is not only the Day of National Grief, it also one more time confirmed the courage and inviolability of the will of Azerbaijan people. Chairman of the Council stressed that the first political assessment of this event had been given by the national leader Haydar Aliyev on 21 January 1990. 

Further the results of the activity of National Television and Radio Council in 2018 were heard and the work had been done was recognised as satisfactory.