Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Regular meeting of National TV & Radio Council was held on 5 February 2019.

On 5 February 2019 National Television and Radio Council held the meeting on issue of implementation of the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 17 January 2019 on allocation of financial aid to national private television broadcasters aiming at supporting them in carrying out broadcasting via satellite "Azerspace-1" and other means. According to the adopted decision 3 millions manats allocated to National Television and Radio Council from reserve fund of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan would be distributed equally as 600000 (six hundred thousands) manats to each national private television broadcasters ("Lider TV və Radio - Azərbaycan" LLC, "Space Müstəqil Teleradio" LLC, "Azad Azərbaycan İndependent Company", "Xəzər TV" LLC, "ARB 24" LLC).

The Decision on creating of new broadcasting package in Baku and Apsheron Peninsula on 34th TV transmission frequency in order to application of Full HD (Full High Definition) broadcasting of Public Television Channel – ITV was also adopted.