Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Chairman of National Television and Radio Council Nushiravan Maharramov met the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Azerbaijan Mr. Kim Tong-Op.

On 11 March 2019 Chairman of National Television and Radio Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan met Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Azerbaijan Mr. Kim Tong-Op. Having welcomed the guest Chairman informed him about television and radio broadcasting sphere in Azerbaijan, creation of National Television and Radio Council, its duties and functions.

The guest expressed his gratitude to Chairman for comprehensive information and in his turn, spoke about Korean television and radio broadcasting sector, as well as on Korea Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee which is in charge of broadcasting regulation field.

Issues relating to distribution of Korean films and series in Azerbaijan, as well as development of bilateral cooperation in the field of television and radio broadcasting were also discussed during the meeting.