Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

“Real Analytic Information Center” LLC wins the contest for opening of new television channel

National Television and Radio Council (NTRC) held a meeting.

At the meeting it was considered and discussed the documents of applicants of the Competition for opening of new nation-wide specialized (news) television channel in Baku city and Apsheron Peninsula at 48 channel package for SD broadcasting and at 37 channel package for HD broadcasting announced by NTRC on 28 February 2019 which lasted from 11 March 2019 till 11 April 2019. The required documents had been submitted to NTRC by 3 applicants – "Real Analytic Information Center" LLC, "TV Media Azerbaijan" LLC and "RTV" LLC.

As a results of discussions and being guided by the Articles 15 and 19 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Television and Radio Broadcasting", as well as by the Paragraphs 8.6 and 9.6 of the "Regulations of National Television and Radio Council" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 5 October 2002, also by the Article 22.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Licenses and Authorizations" NTRC adopted decision on announcing "Real Analytic Information Center" LLC (REAL TV channel) as a winner of the Competition taking into consideration its more creative possibilities, more appropriate financial-technical means and professional staff in comparison with other applicants. According to the Council’s decision the Winner was granted the termless nation-wide specialized (news) television broadcasting license.