Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The 2nd Meeting of the Ministers and High Official in charge of Information and Media of the Turkic Council was held in Baku on 7 May 2019.

The Meeting organized by National Television and Radio Council of Azerbaijan with support of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was attended by high officials in charge of information and media, as well as heads of national public channels and official news agencies of member states – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.

After opening statements and speeches several issues on agenda - development of cooperation in the sphere of media and information among the member states, production of joint series, documentaries, animation films on history and culture of member states, establishment of a contact group of representatives of national public television channels, assigning a person from information agencies for implementation of decisions taken by working group, establishment of International Turkic News Channel, participation of Turkic Council in the international media for, organization of exchange programs and training courses for media experts were discussed.

At the end of the Meeting Multilateral Technical Cooperation Protocol was signed by the heads of public television channels of Member States of the Turkic Council.